General Health

11 Best Baby Tracking App (free!!!)

The best baby tracking app? Let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer for this dad. Picture this: chaotic diaper changes, nights where sleep is more like a rare unicorn, and a never-ending loop of feedings. That’s where baby tracking apps swooped in like superheroes for me. They turned the mess into a manageable routine. 

Among the free options out there, the best baby tracking app in my opinion is BabyCenter. Why? It’s easy to use, covers everything, and the community support is a lifesaver for any parent diving into the unpredictable world of baby care.

Benefits of Using Baby Tracking App for Parents

best baby tracking app

Baby tracking apps offer several benefits for new parents, helping them navigate the challenges of caring for a newborn and ensuring their child’s well-being. Here are some of the advantages:

Feeding Schedule Management

These apps allow parents to record and monitor feeding times, durations, and which breast or bottle was used. This helps parents establish a feeding routine and ensures the baby is getting enough nutrition.

Sleep Pattern Analysis

Parents can track their baby’s sleep patterns, helping them identify trends and adjust routines accordingly. This information can be valuable for creating a sleep schedule and promoting healthy sleep habits.

Diaper Change Records

Keeping track of diaper changes helps parents ensure their baby is getting enough fluids and can also be an indicator of the baby’s overall health. It’s particularly useful for monitoring newborns in the early days.

Growth and Development Monitoring

These apps often include growth charts and milestone trackers, allowing parents to monitor their baby’s physical development and compare it to typical benchmarks.

Vaccination and Medication Tracking

Parents can log vaccinations, medications, and doctor’s appointments, ensuring they stay on top of their baby’s healthcare needs and have a comprehensive medical history readily available.

Customized Timers and Alerts

Apps can help establish and maintain daily routines by providing reminders for feeding, diaper changes, naps, and other activities. This assists parents in creating a structured environment for their baby.

Breastfeeding Support

For breastfeeding mothers, apps can provide features to track latch times, breastfeeding positions, and any issues encountered during nursing. This can be helpful for troubleshooting and seeking advice from healthcare professionals.

Parental Collaboration with Synced Accounts

Some apps allow both parents to sync their accounts, ensuring that both caregivers are on the same page regarding the baby’s activities, milestones, and health updates.

By collecting and analyzing data over time, parents can gain insights into their baby’s habits and behaviours. This can be valuable for making informed decisions and adapting parenting strategies.

Forums and Community Support

Most free baby-tracking apps include forums or communities where parents can connect, share experiences, and seek advice from each other. This can provide emotional support and a sense of community during the challenging early parenting days.

Key Features You Need in a Baby Tracking App

In the intricate tapestry of baby tracking apps, a holistic solution goes beyond the core parenting functions. Here’s a narrative exploration of the crucial features that elevate an app to a versatile and indispensable tool for parents:


The app seamlessly accommodates various feeding methods, allowing parents to log the duration of each session, specify breastfeeding sides, and include additional notes for a comprehensive view of their baby’s nutrition.


Efficient diaper tracking is essential for understanding digestion and overall health. The app records wet or dirty diapers, time of changes, and relevant observations, aiding in the establishment of patterns.


A comprehensive sleep log is crucial for routine establishment and issue identification. The app records sleep start and end times, sleep quality, and nap durations, providing insights into a baby’s sleep patterns.


Monitoring a baby’s growth involves tracking weight, height, and head circumference. The app provides visualizations that offer insights into the child’s developmental trajectory.

Health Tracking

The app includes tools for monitoring health parameters such as temperature, a medication log, and a vaccination schedule to keep parents informed about upcoming immunizations.

Milestone Tracking

Parents can celebrate developmental milestones with a customizable tracking system for major achievements like crawling, talking, and rolling over.

Pumping & Storage Tracking

For parents who pump breast milk, the app facilitates tracking milk volume and storage dates, supporting breast milk supply management and ensuring proper storage practices.

Reminders & Timers

Customizable reminders and timers, including feeding alerts, pump reminders, and activity timers, help parents stay organized amidst their busy schedules.

Charts & Graphs

The app generates clear and informative charts and graphs, offering visual representations of data such as growth and activity patterns for informed decision-making.

Community & Support

Features like forums, articles, and expert tips foster a supportive and informed community, acknowledging that parenting is a shared journey.

Sync Across Devices

The app ensures seamless data synchronization across multiple devices, allowing parents to access and update information effortlessly, regardless of the device in use.

Backup and Restore

To safeguard precious data, the app incorporates regular backup and restore functionalities, providing peace of mind in case of device changes or unexpected data loss.


Recognizing the uniqueness of each child, the app allows for customization, enabling parents to tailor tracking categories and activities to suit their specific needs and preferences.

Privacy and Security

The app complies with privacy regulations and ensures secure storage of sensitive information, prioritizing the confidentiality and safety of the user’s data.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed with sleep-deprived parents in mind, the app boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy navigation and seamless interaction.

Export Data

For enhanced flexibility, the app allows parents to export data, facilitating easy sharing with healthcare professionals or the creation of personal records.

Multi-Child Support

Recognizing that families come in all sizes, the app can track multiple children within the same interface, simplifying management for parents with more than one child.

Integration with Wearable Devices

In a world where technology constantly evolves, the app goes a step further by integrating with wearable devices, allowing for convenient health tracking and data input directly from compatible wearables.

What are the best 11 (Free) Baby Tracking Apps?

best free baby tracking app

1. BabyCenter (Best for all-around information and community)


  • Allows tracking of feedings, diapers, sleep patterns, and developmental milestones.
  • Connects parents through forums for shared experiences and advice.
  • Provides a wealth of expert articles on parenting, health, and development.
  • Delivers personalized content based on the baby’s age and developmental stage.
  • Includes a vaccination tracker to stay on top of immunizations.
  • Sends weekly updates on the baby’s growth and development.
  • Transitions seamlessly from pregnancy tracking to baby tracking.


  • All-in-One Solution for Parents
  • Supportive Community
  • Expert Guidance
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Provides personalized content relevant to the baby’s specific stage of development.


  • Ads and Promotions
  • Limited Offline Access
  • Overwhelming Content
  • Limited Customization
  • Intrusive Push Notifications

2. Ovia Parenting (Best for personalized parenting tips and activities)


  • Personalized Content
  • Feeding and Diaper Tracking
  • Developmental Milestones
  • Has helpful Articles and Resources


  • Delivers personalized parenting advice based on tracked data.
  • Comprehensive Tracking
  • Provides a wealth of articles and resources for parenting guidance.
  • Great community engagement


  • Annoying in-app ads
  • Some advanced features require a subscription for access.

3. What to Expect (Best for New moms and newborn tracking)


  • Newborn Tracking
  • Community Forum
  • Weekly Development Updates


  • Has thorough pregnancy tracking tools, making it best for expecting parents.
  • Offer a platform for connecting with other parents.
  • Gives educational content on pregnancy and early childhood development.
  • Integrates with the popular “What to Expect” book series for additional resources.


  • Has fewer features for older baby stages.
  • Occasional Ads

4. Huckleberry (Best for sleep tracking and insights)


  • Predictive Sleep Analysis
  • Recommends optimal nap times based on the baby’s sleep patterns.
  • Feeding and Diaper Tracking
  • Growth Tracking


  • Advanced Sleep Insights
  • Personalized Recommendations
  • User-friendly interface
  • Includes growth tracking features


  • Includes Subscription for Advanced Features
  • Users need time to understand and trust the AI-based predictive sleep analysis.
  • No extensive community features compared to other apps.

5. Baby Tracker by Nara (Best interface)


  • Sleek and Intuitive Design
  • Customizable Tracking
  • Quick Entry Options
  • Charts and Reports


  • Sleek and modern design.
  • flexible and customizable tracking, catering to individual preferences.
  • Streamlines the tracking process with efficient and user-friendly data entry methods.
  • Generates visually appealing charts for easy interpretation of tracked data.


  • Limited Community Features
  • In-app advertisements as a trade-off for the free version.
  • Some advanced tracking features available in other apps may be limited.

6. BabySparks (Best for developmental activities and play ideas)


  • Tracks and suggests activities for achieving developmental milestones.
  • Offers a variety of play ideas tailored to the baby’s age and stage.
  • Provides daily activity plans to support the baby’s cognitive and physical development.
  • Shares parenting tips and insights on child development.


  • Focused on Developmental Activities
  • Offers a diverse range of play ideas and activities to stimulate the baby’s development.
  • Tailors activity plans based on the baby’s age and individual progress.
  • Provides valuable parenting tips and information on child development.


  • Poor Community engagement features 
  • Does not cover all tracking needs

7. PumpLog (Best for breastfeeding and pumping management)


  • Breastfeeding and Pumping Tracking
  • Milk Supply Monitoring
  • Feeding History
  • Reminder Alerts


  • Tailored specifically for breastfeeding and pumping management.
  • Offers insights into milk supply trends, helping mothers optimize their pumping routines.
  • Easy-to-Use Interface
  • Allows users to set personalized reminders for pumping sessions.


  • No Community Interaction

8. BabyConnect (Best for medical record management)


  • Tracks medical history, vaccinations, and doctor appointments.
  • Feeding and Diaper Logging
  • Activity Tracking
  • Sync Across Devices


  • Extensive Medical Tracking capabilities.
  • Provides comprehensive tracking for various aspects of baby care.
  • Allows Syncing data and updates across different devices.
  • Offers customization options for tracking specific data points.


  • Some advanced features are locked behind a subscription

9. Sprout Baby (Best for visual growth tracking)


  • Visual Growth Charts
  • Developmental Milestones
  • Feeding and Diaper Logging
  • Photo and Video Journal


  • Stands out for its visually appealing growth charts and milestone tracking.
  • Enables parents to create a personalized visual journal of their baby’s journey.
  • Covers a range of baby care activities beyond growth tracking.
  • Offers insights into developmental milestones.


  • Some advanced visual features are limited in the free version.

10. Hatch Baby (Best for white noise and sleep training)


  • Has a built-in white noise machine for soothing baby to sleep.
  • Offers sleep training features, including customizable routines and sleep logs.
  •  Allows tracking of feedings, diaper changes, and other essential baby activities.
  • Monitors room temperature to ensure a comfortable sleep environment.


  • Ideal for parents emphasizing sleep training.
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Allows parents to personalize sleep routines based on their baby’s needs.
  • White Noise Variety


  • No developmental milestones.
  • Subscription-based Add-ons
  • Limited Community Interaction

11. The Wonder Weeks (Best for developmental tracking)


  • Developmental Leap Tracker
  • Offers insights into the baby’s behaviour and changes every week.
  • Provides customizable alerts for upcoming developmental leaps.
  • Engages users through community forums for shared experiences.


  • Focused on Developmental Leaps
  • Week-by-Week Guidance
  • Community Interaction
  • Customizable Notifications


  • Focused on new babies
  • Limited General Tracking

FAQs About Baby Tracking App

How do I know if my baby is tracking?

The first step is to enter your baby’s due date or birth date. The app will then provide information about your baby’s expected development at each stage of pregnancy or infancy. You can then track your baby’s actual progress by logging things like weight, height, feeding times, sleep patterns, and milestones. 

Is pregnancy tracker free?

Yes, there are many free pregnancy tracker apps available, such as the ones listed in this post like BabyCenter’s Pregnancy Tracker, Ovia Pregnancy etc. These apps offer basic features like week-by-week development information, baby size comparisons, due date calculators, and symptom trackers. Some free apps also include community forums and articles. However, some features, such as 3D models of your baby’s development or personalized meal plans, may require a premium subscription.

Is Baby Buddy free?

Baby Buddy is a free app with basic features like feeding timers, diaper logs, sleep trackers, growth charts, and milestone checklists. However, some advanced features, such as unlimited photos and videos, personalized growth percentiles, and access to a lactation consultant, require a premium subscription.

Is Talli baby Tracking app free?

Talli Baby is a free app with features like a feeding timer, diaper log, sleep tracker, and milestone tracker. However, it does not offer as many features as some other apps, such as growth charts or community forums.

Is Nara Baby Tracking app free?

Nara Baby is a free app with basic features like a feeding timer, diaper log, sleep tracker, and milestone tracker. It also offers some unique features, such as a white noise machine, lullabies, and a baby mood tracker. However, it is currently only available in Spanish.

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