General Health

5 best Knee Support for Arthritis UK

Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people here in the UK, causing inflammation and discomfort in the joints, particularly the knees. I’ve experienced first-hand the pains an Arthritis patient feels in the knee joint. This pain comes with stiffness and reduced mobility. Fortunately, knee support for arthritis is an effective solutions to manage this pain.

The best knee support for Arthritis in the UK is NEENCA Knee brace and Compression Knee Sleeve. It has everything an arthritis patient needs in knee support from flexibility, stability, comfort etc., and it is readily available in the UK

Using knee supports or knee sleeves as they are called is incredibly beneficial for arthritis patients. These braces not only provide relief from pain but also improve mobility a lot, allowing individuals to continue their daily activities with greater ease. 

In this blog post, we will explore the five best knee braces for arthritis available in the UK, catering specifically to those suffering from arthritis. 

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Is it reasonable to wear knee support for arthritis? What are the benefits of knee Support? 

knee support brace
Knee support for Arthritis

Knee, knee supports offer a wide range of benefits, especially for individuals dealing with arthritis or other knee-related issues. Here are the top advantages of using knee support:

  1. Knee supports provide targeted compression and stability to the affected area, effectively reducing pain and discomfort caused by arthritis or knee injuries. The gentle pressure helps alleviate inflammation and eases the strain on the joints.
  2. Arthritic knees often suffer from reduced stability, leading to a higher risk of falls and injuries. Knee supports offer enhanced stability, ensuring better balance and reducing the chances of further damage.
  3. By supporting the knee joint, knee support for arthritis patients eases mobility. They can participate in daily activities and exercise, which is important for healing.
  4. The compression provided by knee supports minimizes swelling in the affected area. This is particularly beneficial for arthritis sufferers as swollen knees can be painful and restrict movement.
  5. Knee supports act as a physical barrier, protecting the knee joint from external impacts and preventing excessive movement that might exacerbate the condition.
  6. Some knee supports are designed to improve posture. This provides uniform weight distribution thereby reducing strain on the knees and surrounding muscles.
  7. For individuals recovering from knee injuries or surgeries, knee supports quicken the healing rehabilitation process.
  8. Knee supports come in various designs, from braces and sleeves to wraps and straps which allows users to choose the type that best suits their specific needs.
  9. Knee supports provide a non-invasive (no-surgery) treatment option for managing arthritis pain and knee-related issues.
  10. Knowing that their knees are well-supported and protected, individuals using knee supports often experience an increase in confidence.

What to look for when buying knee support for Arthritis?

When buying knee support for arthritis, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you choose the most suitable option for your needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to look for:

Type of Knee Brace

Determine the type of knee brace that best suits your condition and level of arthritis. Options include knee sleeves, knee braces with hinges, patellar stabilizers, unloader knee braces, and more. Consult with a healthcare professional to identify the most appropriate type for your specific arthritis symptoms.

Level of Arthritis Support

Consider the severity of your arthritis. For mild arthritis, a knee sleeve or basic knee brace may be sufficient. Individuals with moderate to severe arthritis may benefit from a more supportive brace with added features like hinges for stability.

Proper Fit and Sizing 

Measure your knee accurately to ensure you select the correct size. Most knee supports come in various sizes, and an appropriate fit is crucial for effective pain relief and support.

Check the manufacturer’s sizing chart and follow their guidelines to choose the right size based on your measurements.

Look for knee supports with adjustable straps or closures. These allow you to fine-tune the fit for better comfort and support.

Material and Breathability

Opt for knee supports made from high-quality, durable materials like neoprene, fabric blends, or breathable compression fabrics. Good materials ensure longevity and effective support.

Choose knee supports that offer adequate breathability to prevent excessive sweating and discomfort during extended use.

Support Level and Flexibility

Consider the areas where you need the most support. Some knee supports have additional padding or support around the patella or specific areas of the knee joint.

Look for a knee support that provides the right balance between support and flexibility. It should allow for natural movement while still providing the necessary stabilization.

Easy Ease of Use and Adjustability

Ensure the knee support is easy to put on and take off, especially if you have mobility issues or arthritis-related hand problems.

Knee supports with adjustable features, such as straps or fasteners, allow you to customize the fit and compression level for optimal comfort and support.

Suitable for Various Daily Activities

Think about your daily activities. If you’re active and need support during sports or exercise, choose a knee support that can withstand those activities.

If you plan to wear the knee support for extended periods, look for one that remains comfortable during prolonged use.

Professional Recommendations

Seek guidance from healthcare professionals, such as doctors, physical therapists, or orthopaedic specialists, to get personalized recommendations based on your arthritis condition.

The Best Knee Supports for Arthritis in the UK

Overall Best: NEENCA Knee Braces and Compression Knee Sleeve

The NEENCA Knee Braces and Compression Knee Sleeve stand out as the top choice for individuals seeking the best knee support for arthritis in the UK.

These knee braces are light and designed to provide excellent support and alleviate discomfort associated with arthritis, making them a reliable option for those in need of relief.

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Key Features and Benefits:

  • Superior Compression: The NEENCA Knee Braces offer exceptional compression, which helps reduce inflammation and swelling in the affected knee joint. This feature is particularly beneficial for arthritis sufferers, as it aids in relieving pain and improving mobility.
  • Comfortable Design: Crafted with high-quality, breathable materials, these knee braces ensure a comfortable fit throughout the day. The fabric allows proper ventilation, preventing sweat buildup and discomfort even during extended wear.
  • Anti-Slip System: The knee braces are equipped with an anti-slip silicone grip, preventing them from sliding down or bunching up during physical activities. This ensures a secure fit, enhancing stability and providing the necessary support for arthritic knees.
  • Multi-Purpose Support: Besides arthritis relief, these knee braces are versatile and can be used for various knee conditions, including ligament injuries, tendonitis, and general knee pain.
  • Beautiful Design: The NEENCA Knee Braces are thoughtfully designed to contour the shape of the knee, offering targeted support to the affected area without restricting movement. This design allows users to continue their daily activities with ease.
  • Unisex and Adjustable: These knee braces are suitable for both men and women and come with adjustable straps, allowing users to customize the fit according to their comfort and support needs.

Best for Pain Relief: Bauerfeind GenuTrain Knee Brace

The Bauerfeind GenuTrain Knee Brace is a top-notch product renowned for its exceptional pain relief capabilities, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking relief from arthritis-related knee pain in the UK.

This knee brace is designed with precision and advanced technology to provide targeted support and alleviate discomfort effectively.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Medical-Grade Compression
  • 3D AirKnit Technology provides optimal breathability and ventilation. 
  • Integrated Viscoelastic PadS strategically positioned around the knee joint. 
  • Patella Stabilization keeps the patella properly aligned during movement.
  • Lightweight and Flexible
  • The knee brace is anatomically contoured to fit the shape of the knee, providing a secure and comfortable fit. 
  • Durable.

Best for Stability and Support: McDavid Maximum Support Knee Brace for Arthritis

mcDavid Knee brace

The McDavid Maximum Support Knee Brace is a top-tier product that excels in providing unmatched stability and support for individuals dealing with arthritis in the UK.

Engineered with a focus on durability and performance, this knee brace is specifically designed to offer maximum protection and reinforcement to arthritic knees, making it an ideal choice for those seeking enhanced stability during daily activities and sports.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Dual-Disk Hinges
  • Longitudinal and Latitudinal Stability Straps
  • Open Patella Design relieves pressure on the patella
  • Four-Way Stretch Fabric
  • Neoprene Construction
  • Reinforced Outer Shell
  • Breathable and Moisture-Wicking prevents heat buildup and sweat accumulation

Best for the Elderly: Mueller Sports Self Adjusting Adult Knee Support Braces

mueller knee support braces

The Mueller Sports Self-Adjusting Adult Knee Support Braces are an excellent choice for elderly individuals dealing with arthritis in the UK. Designed with the specific needs of seniors in mind, these knee support braces offer gentle yet effective support to help alleviate knee pain and enhance stability for older users. 

With their user-friendly design, the Mueller Sports Knee Support Braces are ideal for elderly individuals seeking reliable knee support and comfort.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Self-Adjusting Straps. Elderly users will appreciate the convenience of this design.
  • Mild Compression is gentle enough for elderly users while still being effective.
  • Open Patella Design which helps to relieve pressure on the kneecap 
  • Neoprene Blend Material is known for its durability and flexibility.
  • Lightweight and Low-Profile
  • Unisex Design

 For comfort:  Shock Doctor Compression Knee Brace

The Shock Doctor Compression Knee Brace is a top-notch product known for its exceptional comfort, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking a comfortable knee support option for arthritis in the UK.

Designed with user comfort in mind, this knee brace provides reliable compression and support while ensuring a pleasant wearing experience throughout the day.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Soft and Breathable Fabric
  • Moisture-Wicking Technology
  • Four-Way Stretch: The four-way stretch capability of the knee brace allows it to conform to the knee’s natural shape and movements. This ensures a snug and secure fit, promoting comfort and preventing the brace from slipping during activities.
  • Seamless Design
  • Comfortable Compression
  • Dual Silicone Stays on each side of the knee for additional support.
  • The knee brace is treated with an anti-microbial agent that helps prevent the growth of odour-causing bacteria.
  • Adjustable Straps

Types of Knee Support for Arthritis Patients

There are several types of knee supports specifically designed to provide relief and support for individuals with arthritis. Each type offers unique features and benefits. Here are the main types of knee supports for arthritis:

Knee Sleeves 

Knee sleeves are lightweight, elastic garments that provide compression and support to the knee joint. They are often made of neoprene or other flexible materials. 

Knee sleeves help reduce swelling, improve blood flow, and alleviate pain caused by arthritis. They are ideal for individuals with mild to moderate arthritis.

Knee Braces

Knee braces are more substantial than knee sleeves and offer additional stability and protection. They come in various designs, such as hinged knee braces, wraparound braces, and open-patella braces. 

Hinged knee braces, for instance, have metal hinges on the sides to provide enhanced lateral support, making them suitable for individuals with moderate to severe arthritis.

Patellar Stabilizers

Patellar stabilizers are specialized knee supports that focus on stabilizing the patella (kneecap). They are particularly beneficial for those with arthritis-related patellar instability or pain. Patellar stabilizers help keep the kneecap aligned and reduce pressure on the affected area.

Knee Straps

Knee straps, also known as patellar bands or knee bands, are small, adjustable straps worn just below the knee. They are designed to relieve pressure on the patellar tendon and are useful for individuals experiencing patellar tendonitis or knee pain associated with arthritis.

Unloader Knee Braces

Unloader knee braces are specifically designed to offload pressure from one side of the knee joint. They are often used by individuals with arthritis-related joint deformities or conditions like osteoarthritis. Unloader braces can help reduce pain and improve knee function.

Arthritis Gloves

While not directly knee supports, arthritis gloves can be beneficial for individuals with hand and finger arthritis. These gloves provide compression and warmth, helping to reduce hand pain and stiffness.

Dual Knee Braces

Dual knee braces are designed to support both knees simultaneously. They are useful for individuals with arthritis affecting both knees or those recovering from bilateral knee injuries or surgeries.

Wraparound Knee Supports

Wraparound knee supports offer adjustable compression and support. They are easy to put on and take off, making them a convenient option for individuals with arthritis who may have difficulty with complex fastenings.

Magnetic Knee Supports

Some knee supports incorporate magnets, which some believe may provide additional pain relief through magnetic therapy. While evidence is mixed regarding the efficacy of magnetic therapy, these knee supports are still available for those interested in trying this approach.

What is the difference between a knee brace and knee support?

knee brace for arthritis
knee support for Arthritis

A knee brace ensures greater stability and is used for moderate to severe knee issues, while knee support provides compression and is better for mild knee problems or preventative measures during activities.

A knee brace offers a higher level of support and protection to the knee joint. It is a more substantial device with additional features such as hinges or rigid supports. These components are designed to stabilize the knee and restrict certain movements, making it suitable for individuals with moderate to severe knee injuries or conditions like ligament tears or post-surgery recovery.

On the other hand, knee support provides compression and mild support to the knee without the added rigidity of hinges. It is typically made from elastic materials like neoprene and is more lightweight and flexible. Knee supports are commonly used for conditions like mild arthritis or to prevent knee injuries during low-impact activities.

Is it OK to wear knee support all day? How long is it safe to wear a knee support

Depending on the seriousness, some arthritis patients are required to wear the knee brace throughout the entire day.

Prolonged reliance on knee support may lead to muscle weakness over time, as the muscles might become dependent on the support for stability.

Wearing knee support for an extended duration might cause skin irritation or rashes. Make sure the knee support fits properly and is made from breathable materials to minimize these issues.

If you wear knee support all day, ensure you engage in regular knee-strengthening exercises and maintain mobility to prevent stiffness and maintain joint health.

But in situations of Acute Arthritis and Chronic Knee Conditions, if advised by your doctor, always put on your knee support.

When should you not wear knee support? How tight should knee support be?

People usually ask if a Should knee support be tight or loose. The tightness of knee support for arthritis is essential for its effectiveness and safety. To ensure you have the right fit:

  • The knee support should feel just comfortably snug against your skin.
  • It should not cause any pain, pinching, or chafing.
  • You should be able to move your knee comfortably without feeling restricted.
  • Make sure there is no numbness, tingling, or swelling in the leg or foot, as it may indicate that the support is too tight.

Make sure the knee support does not cut off circulation to the leg or foot. If you experience numbness, tingling, or swelling below the knee, it may be too tight and should be loosened immediately.

What makes knee Arthritis pain worse? 

Arthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Many things can worsen arthritis symptoms and contribute to increased discomfort, these are:

  • Lack of regular exercise leads to stiff joints and muscle weakness, making arthritis symptoms more pronounced.
  • Overusing or putting excessive stress on affected joints can exacerbate arthritis symptoms.
  • Being overweight puts added pressure on weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips, leading to increased pain and inflammation in individuals with arthritis.
  • Insufficient rest can contribute to increased inflammation and heightened pain sensitivity.
  • Diets high in processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats can contribute to inflammation and may worsen arthritis symptoms.
  • Previous injuries to the joints, if not fully healed or appropriately managed, can contribute to the development or worsening of arthritis.
  • Chronic stress can worsen arthritis symptoms as stress hormones can affect inflammation and pain perception.
  • Some people with arthritis find that cold weather can worsen joint pain and stiffness.
  • Smoking has been linked to increased inflammation and can worsen arthritis symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I wear knee support for arthritis when walking?

During arthritis flare-ups when knee pain is more intense, wearing knee support while walking is important as they offer relief and support until the symptoms subside.
For mild to moderate arthritis and occasional knee pain walks, wearing knee support provides added stability and compression, reducing pain and inflammation.
But, If you plan to engage in extended periods of walking or participate in physical activities that may put extra stress on your knees, wear knee support to prevent excessive strain on your arthritic joints.

What’s the best treatment for arthritis?

The treatment for arthritis depends on the type and severity of the condition, as well as individual factors. 
There is no one-size-fits-all approach. But, exercises and stretches improve joint function, reduce pain, and increase flexibility and strength around the affected joints.
Wearing knee supports for Arthritis provides better stability, mobility and confidence to move around or exercise more. Also, apply heat pads or warm compresses to soothe stiff joints, and cold packs to reduce inflammation.
Combining all these methods will relieve the pain from arthritic patients’ knees in the UK and anywhere else


   Arthritis is an unwelcome companion for many individuals, causing discomfort and hindering mobility. However, finding the right knee support can make all the difference in managing the challenges that come with this condition. In our quest to find the best knee support for arthritis in the UK, we have unveiled five exceptional options, each offering unique benefits tailored to suit varying needs.

In the vast sea of knee supports available, these five have risen to the top, each offering a unique blend of features and benefits. As you embark on your journey to find the perfect knee support for arthritis in the UK, remember to consider your individual needs and preferences. From targeted pain relief to enhanced stability or the gentle care required for our esteemed elders, there’s a knee support that fits your requirements like a glove.

We hope that this comprehensive guide has shed light on the world of knee supports and equipped you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision. Remember, the best knee support for arthritis is the one that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, providing the comfort, support, and relief you deserve.

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