
  • Golfer's Vasculitis

    What is Golfer’s Vasculitis? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.

    Golfer’s Vasculitis, also known as Exercise-Induced Vasculitis (EIV) or Disney Rash, is a condition characterized by a distinctive red rash that develops on the lower legs after prolonged exercise, particularly in warm and humid environments. It doesn’t cause any harm, and most of the time, it goes away by itself within two weeks after it shows up. This article delves…

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  • Allergy-friendly foods

    17+ Allergy-friendly snacks for people with food allergies

    Allergy-friendly snacks are a challenge to find for those who have food allergies. Food allergy deprives you of eating anything you long for. Many pre-packaged snacks on the market contain common allergens like peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and dairy, which cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals.  However, with a bit of creativity and knowledge, it’s possible to create tasty snacks…

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