Food and Diets

  • milk good for ulcer?

    Is milk good for ulcers?

    I have a brother who once suffered from an ulcer, peptic ulcer to be precise. It was a funny period then because he loves milk more than cats. Then he read an article online that asked “Is milk good for ulcers?” He didn’t want to give up drinking milk as an ulcer patient so he was concerned. The thing is,…

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  • milk for heartburn

    Milk for heartburn: Is Milk Good for Heartburn or Ingestion (Acid Reflux)?

    Milk for heartburn? When finding relief for heartburn or indigestion, many people turn to a tried-and-true home remedy: milk maybe with Honey. This is because cold milk soothes these conditions and this has been on for a long and is often considered a go-to solution. Forget looking for scientific proof, does milk really make you feel better and lessen the…

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  • 17 Easy Mediterranean Diet Snacks and Desserts for Busy Days

    The Mediterranean diet snacks are known for their emphasis on whole foods, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s no surprise that this diet has gained immense popularity due to its numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved heart health, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. But with our busy lives, it can be challenging to find the time…

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  • Drinking Coffee After Drinking Alcohol. Dangers & Side Effects

    Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol can be quite dangerous, despite it being a regular thing among folks. Drinking alcohol is a popular pastime for many people, but it can have serious consequences when combined with other substances. One of the most common substances that people consume after drinking alcohol is coffee.  While coffee may seem like a harmless way to…

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  • Okra Water: The Ultimate Pregnancy and Labor Superfood for Women

    Okra water, the nutrient-rich infusion made from okra pods, has been touted for its many health benefits, especially for women during pregnancy and labour. From promoting healthy digestion to providing essential nutrients for fetal development, this is truly the ultimate superfood for expectant mothers.  Okra, also known as lady’s finger, is a flowering plant that is popular in many cultures…

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  • eating pasta is linked to a higher intake of a few essential nutrients,

    5 Affordable and Healthful Pasta Recipes

    5 Affordable and Healthful Pasta Recipes. Pasta is not the nutritional enemy that many people think it is for carbohydrate lovers. In fact, studies found that eating pasta is linked to a higher intake of a few essential nutrients, including folate, iron, magnesium, and fiber, when compared to diets without noodles. It’s interesting to note that adult ladies who ate…

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