General Health

Gripe water for newborns: Safety, Benefits & Side Effects

Gripe water, a trusted remedy for newborns, is the focus of our discussion today. In this blog post, we will delve into its safety, usage, benefits, and potential side effects. It’s essential to comprehend what gripe water is and why addressing common baby discomforts is crucial. So, let’s embark on this journey to discover more about gripe water.

To start, we’ll provide a brief explanation of what gripe water entails, highlighting its composition and purpose. Then, we’ll emphasize the importance of addressing these common discomforts in newborns, underlining the significance of providing relief for your little one.

Read also: Newborn Skin Peeling: Why? Treatment, and Care.

What Is Gripe Water?

gripe water for newborns
Gripe water for newborns

   Gripe water is a liquid formulation for newborns that consists of a blend of herbal extracts and natural ingredients, carefully crafted to alleviate common baby discomforts such as gas, colic, and hiccups.

   The term “gripe” in gripe water originates from the Old English word “gripan“, which means to grasp or seize. It aptly describes the way colic or digestive discomfort seems to grip a baby’s tiny tummy. Thus, gripe water was named for its intended purpose of relieving these gripping sensations and providing relief to infants.

 Traditional gripe water recipes included a mix of herbs like dill, fennel, ginger, and chamomile, which were believed to have calming and digestive properties. While formulations have evolved over time, many modern gripe waters continue to contain these key ingredients. Additionally, some versions may include sodium bicarbonate to help neutralize stomach acid.

Today, you can find a variety of gripe water formulations on the market, each with its own unique blend of ingredients. Some modern versions are free from alcohol and sugar, addressing concerns about their safety and taste for infants.

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Is gripe water safe for newborns?

baby indigestion
colic baby

We do not recommend it for infants under one month old due to their sensitive and developing digestive tracts. Paediatricians typically recommend trying alternative methods to soothe colic in newborns before considering gripe water.

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How many drops of gripe water should I give my newborn?

The measurement we give here is from reputable gripe water (Mommy’s Bliss) manufacturer recommendations;

Age RangeRecommended Dosage (mL)Recommended Dosage (tsp)Maximum Frequency per Day
Two weeks old to six weeks old1 mL0.2 tspUp to 6 times a day
Six weeks old to ten weeks old2 mL0.4 tspUp to 6 times a day
Ten weeks old to six months old5 mL1 tspUp to 6 times a day
Six months to 1 year10 mL2 tsp2 – 3 times daily
1 year and above10 mL – 15 mL2 tsp – 3 tsp2 – 3 times daily

Common Uses of Gripe Water for Babies

 Gripe water has earned its reputation as a go-to remedy for various common baby discomforts. Let’s explore the versatile ways in which gripe water can bring relief to your little one.

Relief from Colic and Gas

   Gripe water is often sought after by parents dealing with colicky babies. The soothing blend of herbal extracts in gripe water can help alleviate the intense abdominal discomfort associated with colic. By relaxing the digestive muscles and reducing gas buildup, gripe water may offer much-needed relief to both infants and their parents.

Easing Teething Discomfort

   Teething can be a trying time for babies, marked by irritability and gum discomfort. Gripe water for newborns, with its gentle and natural ingredients, provides a comforting solution. Some gripe water formulations contain ingredients like chamomile, known for its calming properties, which can help ease the discomfort associated with teething.

Settling an Upset Stomach

   If your baby experiences an upset stomach due to minor digestive issues, gripe water may come to the rescue. The combination of herbs in gripe water is believed to aid in digestion and soothe an irritated tummy. This can be particularly helpful when your baby is transitioning to solid foods or experiencing mild stomach discomfort.

Helping with Hiccups

   Hiccups, though harmless, can be bothersome for babies and disrupt their peaceful moments. Gripe water’s gentle formulation can help relax the diaphragm and reduce the frequency and intensity of hiccups, offering respite to your little one.

Promoting Better Sleep

   A well-rested baby is a happy baby, and gripe water may contribute to better sleep for both your infant and you. By addressing discomfort and helping to calm your baby’s fussiness, gripe water assists in promoting longer and more peaceful sleep periods.

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Benefits and Advantages of Using Gripe Water for Newborns

gripe water for newborns
baby having stomach disconfort

So what is the benefit of gripe? When it comes to seeking relief from your baby’s discomfort, gripe water offers several benefits and advantages. Let’s explore why many parents turn to this time-tested remedy.

Natural and Gentle Remedy

   Gripe water’s appeal lies in its natural and gentle formulation. It contains herbal extracts and ingredients that have been used for centuries to address infantile discomfort. Parents appreciate that gripe water provides relief without resorting to harsh chemicals or medications, making it a trusted choice for their little ones.

Quick Relief for Babies

   One of the standout advantages of gripe water is its ability to provide rapid relief for babies. Its soothing properties work to calm a fussy or uncomfortable baby, often bringing relief within minutes. This quick action can make a significant difference in both your baby’s comfort and your peace of mind.

Ease of Administration

   Gripe water is relatively easy to administer, even for finicky infants. Most formulations come with simple dosage instructions, and many babies find the taste tolerable. This ease of use makes it a convenient option for parents seeking an effective solution for their baby’s discomfort.

Versatility in Addressing Multiple Issues

Gripe water’s versatility is another notable advantage. It can help address a range of common baby issues, including colic, gas, teething discomfort, hiccups, and more. This multifaceted approach allows parents to rely on a single remedy for various infantile discomforts.

Parental Peace of Mind

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of gripe water is the peace of mind it offers to parents. Knowing that you have a safe and natural remedy on hand to soothe your baby’s discomfort can be a comforting thought. It can also reduce parental stress and anxiety, creating a more serene environment for both baby and caregiver.

How to Use Gripe Water Safely and Effectively

   Administering gripe water to your baby safely and effectively is crucial to ensure its benefits are maximized without any risks. Let’s explore the steps and considerations for using gripe water with confidence.

Dosage Guidelines by Age

   The first step in safely using gripe water is to adhere to dosage guidelines based on your baby’s age. Different gripe water formulations may have specific recommendations, so always consult the product label or your healthcare provider for precise dosing instructions. Dosages typically vary for newborns, infants, and older babies.

It’s important to note that introducing anything other than breast milk to a baby during the first six months may raise the risk of bacterial exposure, allergies, and intestinal irritation

Mixing with Formula or Breast Milk (If Applicable)

   Some parents choose to mix gripe water with a small amount of formula or breast milk to make it more palatable for their baby. However, be sure to check the product label for any specific instructions or restrictions regarding mixing. If you opt for this method, use a clean container and ensure that the mixture is consumed promptly to prevent contamination.

When should I give gripe water to my baby?

We often get the question “Can I give gripe water after every feeding?”, Well, we advise you to wait for 30 minutes after feeding your baby before giving them gripe water. This is to allow their system to digest the meal first.

What are the disadvantages of gripe water for babies?

disadvantages of gripe water for newborns
disadvantages of gripe water for newborns

With newer formulations of gripe water for newborns, it has been claimed that they are generally safe. However, it is important to monitor Potential Side Effects like Allergic reactions: 

  • Hives 
  • skin rashes
  • Itching
  • swelling of the lips or tongue
  • watery eyes
  • difficulty breathing

Gripe water for newborns Precautions to take

Choosing a reputable brand

 Selecting a trusted and reputable brand ensures that you are using a safe and reliable gripe water product for your baby.

Below is a list of the most trusted and reputable gripe water manufacturers recommended by us

Consulting a paediatrician before use

Consulting with a paediatrician or healthcare provider before giving gripe water to your baby is a necessary step to ensure it is appropriate for your child’s specific needs and to receive professional guidance.

Monitoring your baby for adverse effects

Keeping a close eye on your baby for any unexpected symptoms or discomfort while using gripe water is a responsible practice to ensure their well-being.

FAQs on Gripe Water for Newborns

Can you use gripe water on a 1 week old?

We advise waiting until your baby reaches at least one month of age and weighs over seven pounds before using Gripe Water from a very reputable manufacturer.
 However, for older infants and children, you can administer Gripe Water at the first signs of discomfort.

Can a 2 week old have gripe water?

While some gripe water products may be suitable for infants as young as 2 weeks old, others may stipulate a minimum age requirement of at least one month.
Each brand offers a unique formulation and varying dosage instructions, underscoring the importance of carefully reading the label. How long does gripe last in newborns?

How long does gripe last in newborns? 

Gripe, or colic, typically starts around 2 to 3 weeks of age and lasts until around 3 to 4 months of age. However, Colic resolves naturally, often by the time a baby reaches 3 months of age. In the majority of cases, colic disappears by the age of 6 months as newborns digestive systems mature.

Does gripe water work immediately?

Certain babies may experience relief from gas and colic symptoms shortly after using Gripe Water, although the timeframe for improvement vary. Determining its effectiveness for your baby will involve a process of trial and observation.

Is it OK to use gripe water every day?

Using gripe water every day for an extended period is generally not recommended unless advised otherwise by a healthcare professional. Gripe water is typically used on an as-needed basis to provide relief for specific episodes of discomfort in infants. If you find that your baby requires gripe water frequently, it’s essential to consult with a paediatrician or healthcare provider to investigate and address the underlying causes of your baby’s discomfort, rather than relying on gripe water as a daily solution. Overuse of gripe water may pose potential risks, and it’s important to follow the dosing guidelines provided on the product label or as advised by your healthcare provider.

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