Food and Diets

Milk for heartburn: Is Milk Good for Heartburn or Ingestion (Acid Reflux)?

Milk for heartburn?

When finding relief for heartburn or indigestion, many people turn to a tried-and-true home remedy: milk maybe with Honey. This is because cold milk soothes these conditions and this has been on for a long and is often considered a go-to solution.

Forget looking for scientific proof, does milk really make you feel better and lessen the discomfort of acid reflux or heartburn?

Heartburn and indigestion are two common gastrointestinal conditions that many people experience. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux or chest burn, is a burning sensation in the chest that occurs when stomach acid (Gastric Acid) flows back into the oesophagus. It is often accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and can be triggered by certain foods or upset in the stomach. Indigestion, conversely, refers to discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, usually occurring after a meal. You feel bloated and gas out often.

After reading this article, you will have a clearer understanding if milk is an effective remedy for heartburn and indigestion.

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How long does heartburn last?

milk for heartburn

The duration of heartburn varies depending on its underlying cause and individual factors. In general, heartburn resolves within an hour or a day. However, chronic or recurrent heartburn last longer, ranging from several days to weeks.

Acute acid reflux episodes, typically triggered by certain foods, overeating, or lying down after a meal, usually subside relatively quickly. Over-the-counter antacids or acid-reducing medications can provide temporary relief during these episodes.

If you frequently experience heartburn that lasts for more than a few days or if it becomes increasingly severe, quickly consult a healthcare professional. They will evaluate your symptoms, identify any underlying causes, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Can I drink cold milk for heartburn or Indigestion? Is cold milk good for acid reflux (At night)

Milk is alkaline in nature, which means it has the potential to neutralize stomach acid and provide some relief from acidity attacks. The cold temperature of the milk also helps to alleviate the discomfort associated with acid reflux.

Milk is very high in calcium, this calcium absorbs the excess acid produced in the body thereby preventing a potential buildup that causes heartburn.

Drinking cold milk especially before sleep at night is a common effective home remedy that relieves the symptoms of heartburn or acid reflux.

Do not add sugar to the milk before drinking!

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Is Milk Good for Heartburn/Indigestion During Pregnancy?

is milk good for heartburn during pregnancy?

Milk is a safe and soothing remedy for heartburn during pregnancy. 

Many pregnant women find that drinking a glass of milk alleviates their heartburn symptoms temporarily and if not completely. The coolness and smoothness of milk provide relief by coating the lining of the oesophagus and neutralizing stomach acid.

Warm milk and honey are also recommended quick-relief home remedies to the effects of indigestion or acid reflux.

What you should do, eat and not eat to avoid heartburn or Indigestion (Acid Reflux)?

  • Eat more lean proteins, and opt for poultry and fish. Avoid fatty meats and processed meats, as they can trigger reflux symptoms.
  • Whole grains, such as oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread, are good to manage acid reflux. Avoid refined grains and sugary foods.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as they provide essential nutrients and fibre. However, some acidic fruits (like citrus) and vegetables (like tomatoes) trigger heartburn, so it’s best to observe your tolerance.
  • Go for skim or low-fat milk, yoghurt, and cheese. High-fat dairy products can worsen symptoms of acid reflux.
  • Avoid spicy, greasy or fried foods, chocolate, caffeine, carbonated beverages, alcohol, and mint.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Consuming large meals can put pressure on the stomach and increase the likelihood of reflux.
  • Sitting up straight while eating and for a while after meals can help prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the oesophagus.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Adequate hydration can help with digestion and prevent symptoms of acid reflux.

Causes of Heartburn (Acid Reflux) or Indigestion

Acid Reflux

Heartburn or indigestion can be caused by various factors. Here are some common causes:

1. Acid reflux. 

The most common cause of heartburn is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It occurs when stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus, leading to irritation and a burning sensation. Certain foods, such as spicy or fatty foods, chocolate, citrus fruits, and caffeine, can trigger acid reflux.

2. Eating habits.

 Overeating, consuming large meals, eating too quickly, or lying down immediately after a meal can increase the likelihood of heartburn.

3. Smoking.

 Smoking weakens the LES and increases acid production, making heartburn more likely to occur.

4. Hiatal hernia. 

A hiatal hernia is a condition where a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest through the diaphragm. This can weaken the lower oesophagal sphincter (LES), the muscle that normally prevents stomach acid from entering the oesophagus, resulting in heartburn.

5. Pregnancy.

 Hormonal changes during pregnancy can relax the LES, allowing stomach acid to flow into the oesophagus. The growing uterus can also put pressure on the stomach, contributing to heartburn.

6. Obesity.

 Excess weight can put pressure on the abdomen, pushing stomach acid back up into the oesophagus and causing heartburn.

7. Medications and medical conditions

 Some medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), aspirin, certain antibiotics, and bisphosphonates, can irritate the oesophagus and cause heartburn as a side effect. Also medical conditions such as peptic ulcers, gastritis, or gallbladder disease.

8. Stress.

 Emotional or psychological stress can worsen symptoms of heartburn or indigestion.

13 Alternative soothing foods and Home Remedies to Milk for Indigestion or Heartburn (acid reflux) 

foods for acid reflux

When you have heartburns at home that seem severe and you need a quick fix in the absence of cold milk, the foods and remedies listed below have been proven to be also effective

  • Ginger
  • Baking Soda and water
  • Aloe Vera Juice
  • Chamomile tea
  • Slippery elm
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Fennel seeds
  • Peppermint
  • Marshmallow root
  • Liquorice root
  • Papaya
  • Elevated sleeping position
  • Probiotics


 Try drinking ginger tea or chewing on a small piece of fresh ginger to help soothe the digestive system.

Baking soda and water

 Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it to neutralize stomach acid and relieve heartburn.

Aloe vera juice

 Consuming aloe vera juice may provide relief from acid reflux symptoms. However, ensure that the juice is specifically formulated for internal consumption.

Chamomile tea

Sip on chamomile tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can help calm the stomach.

Slippery elm

 Taking slippery elm in the form of lozenges or capsules may help soothe the digestive tract and reduce heartburn symptoms.

Apple cider vinegar

 Dilute 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before meals to help balance stomach acid levels.

Fennel seeds

Chew on a teaspoon of fennel seeds after meals to aid digestion and relieve symptoms of indigestion.


Drink peppermint tea or chew on a peppermint leaf to help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce indigestion.

Elevated sleeping position

If nighttime indigestion is a recurring issue, try using pillows to elevate your head and upper body while sleeping. This can help prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the oesophagus.

Liquorice root

 Chew on a small piece of liquorice root or drink liquorice tea to help coat and protect the lining of the stomach, potentially reducing the discomfort of indigestion.

Marshmallow root

 Prepare marshmallow root tea by steeping 1 tablespoon of dried marshmallow root in a cup of hot water. Drinking this tea may help soothe the digestive tract and relieve indigestion symptoms.


 Eat fresh papaya or drink papaya juice, as it contains enzymes (papain) that aid in digestion and may alleviate symptoms of indigestion.


 Incorporate probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt, kefir, or sauerkraut into your diet. Probiotics help maintain a healthy gut flora, which can support digestion and reduce indigestion.

Faqs on Milk for Heartburn and Indigestion

Is warm water good for heartburn?

Drinking warm water also provides temporary relief for heartburn symptoms. Warm water soothes the oesophagus and can provide a calming effect on the burning sensation caused by stomach acid refluxing into the oesophagus.
When you drink warm water, it can help to dilute stomach acid, reducing its corrosive effects on the oesophagus. It also flushes out any acid that has already refluxed into the oesophagus, providing some relief from heartburn symptoms.

What can I drink to relieve heartburn immediately?

For immediate relief from heartburn, you can try different drinks. Start by drinking plain water, as it helps dilute stomach acid and provides temporary relief. Ginger tea, made from fresh ginger slices, can soothe the stomach and reduce inflammation. Chamomile tea, known for its calming properties, can also help reduce stomach inflammation. A small amount of pure aloe vera juice, without added sugars, can soothe the oesophagus and reduce irritation. Mixing a teaspoon of baking soda in water can temporarily neutralize stomach acid, but be cautious with its usage. Some individuals find relief by diluting a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water, but it’s best to consult a healthcare professional before trying it.

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