General Health

The Top 7 Affordable Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys to Bulk Up Immediately.

Making this list of the best Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys from experience will come as a relief to many slim guys out there looking to add weight.

Are you a skinny guy struggling to put on weight and bulk up? You hate the idea of eating too much fatty food to add fat under your flesh which is unhealthy or you are not a fan of heavy lifting and exercises either, it happens. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to eat and exercise as a skinny guy, your body remains the same. 

Well, Mass gainers are supplements designed to help skinny guys add good muscle mass and gain weight more easily.

There are many brands in the market, approved and fake ones. As a desperate skinny you may fall for the first choice without knowing the approval status of what you’re buying.  So, how do you know which one to choose? In this post, we’ll be sharing the top 7 mass gainers for skinny guys to turn lean John (my friend) into a six-pack ‘hulk’. My basis is that it should be both affordable and effective, so you can start bulking up immediately.

How we chose the Best 7 brands of Mass Gainers for skinny Guys.

Mass Gainers for skinny Guys

The selection of mass gainers for skinny guys on this list is based on these criteria making sure that the most effective and affordable options are included. Also, we put into consideration that the products here are good for very slim guys trying to build up healthily.

These criteria should be standard recommendations from any bodybuilder trainer looking at quality and cost;

  • Protein content
  • Calorie count
  • Price per serving
  • Ingredients Quality
  • Taste and mixability
  • Personal goals and preferences

Protein content

One of the most important factors in choosing a mass gainer is the protein content. A high protein content helps to build and repair muscle tissue, which is essential for gaining mass. The mass gainers on this list all have a minimum of 20 grams of protein per serving.

Calorie count

To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn. Mass gainers for skinny guys mentioned here have a minimum of 500 calories per serving, which is enough to support muscle growth without causing excessive fat gain.

Price per serving

Cost of mass gainers for skinny guys looking to add flesh who also have skinny pockets should not break them. Cost is also an important consideration when choosing a mass gainer. The products on this list are all affordable and provide good value for the money.

Ingredients Quality

We made sure that the mass gainers we selected had high-quality ingredients that were safe and effective. We looked for products that didn’t have any harmful additives, artificial colours, or excessive amounts of sugar.

Taste and mixability

Another factor we considered while picking these mass gainers for skinny guys was taste and mixability. Nobody wants to consume a mass gainer that tastes bad or is difficult to mix. The selected mass gainer brands in this article have products that are easy to mix and have delicious flavours that you’ll like.

Personal goals and preferences

Choose a mass gainer that fits your individual goals and preferences. For example, some people may prefer a vegan or lactose-free option, while others may want a mass gainer with added creatine or other supplements.

What are the Best 7 Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys?

weight gaining protein and calorie
  1. Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer
  2. BSN True Mass 1200
  3. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer
  4. MuscleTech Mass Tech
  5. Universal Nutrition Real Gains
  6. Naked Mass
  7. Mutant Mass

1. Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer (Overall best Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys)

This mass gainer provides 60 grams of protein, 85 grams of carbs, and 650 calories per serving. It also contains 8 grams of fibre and 26 vitamins and minerals. The Pro Gainer mixes easily and comes in delicious flavours like double chocolate and vanilla custard. 

Pros of Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer

  • high protein content
  • low-fat 
  • sugar content. 

Cons of Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer

  • can be pricey compared to other mass gainers.

2. BSN True Mass 1200

This mass gainer offers 50 grams of protein, 222 grams of carbs, and 1200 calories per serving. It contains a blend of protein sources, including whey protein concentrate, casein protein, and egg albumin. The True Mass 1200 also includes 12 grams of BCAAs and 25 vitamins and minerals. 

Pros of BSN True Mass 1200

  • provides a high-calorie count
  • Has a blend of different protein sources.

Cons of BSN True Mass 1200

  • some customers may find the taste too sweet.

3. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer

This mass gainer delivers 52 grams of protein, 252 grams of carbs, and 1300 calories per serving. It contains both fast- and slow-digesting proteins, as well as a blend of complex carbohydrates and creatine monohydrates. The Super Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys come in flavours like gourmet vanilla and rich chocolate. 

Pros of Dymatize Super Mass Gainer

  • provides a high-calorie count
  • Includes creatine monohydrate for increased muscle mass. 

Cons of Dymatize Super Mass Gainer

  • can be difficult to mix without a blender.

4. MuscleTech Mass Tech

Gives 63 grams of protein, 132 grams of carbs, and 840 calories per serving. It also includes 10 grams of creatine and 5 grams of glutamine and glutamic acid. The Mass Tech comes in flavours like vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. 

Pros of MuscleTech Mass Tech

  • includes creatine and glutamine for increased muscle mass
  • affordable. 

Cons of MuscleTech Mass Tech

  • Too sweet.

5. Universal Nutrition Real Gains

Offers 52 grams of protein, 87 grams of carbs, and 600 calories per serving. It contains a blend of whey protein concentrate, micellar casein, and egg albumin. Real Gains also include complex carbs and essential fatty acids. This is one of the best mass gainers for skinny guys

Pros of Universal Nutrition Real Gains

  • includes essential fatty acids for overall health
  • affordable. 

Cons of Universal Nutrition Real Gains

  • Chalky taste.

6. Naked Mass (Best Allergen-free Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys)

Provides 50 grams of protein, 252 grams of carbs, and 1250 calories per serving. It is made from only three ingredients: grass-fed whey protein concentrate, organic maltodextrin, and organic coconut sugar. The Naked Mass is non-GMO, gluten-free, and soy-free. 

Pros of Naked Mass

  • contains only natural ingredients
  • non-GMO
  • Gluten-free
  • soy-free. 

Cons of Naked Mass

  • may not mix as well as other mass gainers.

7. Mutant Mass

This mass gainer delivers 52 grams of protein, 250 grams of carbs, and 1060 calories per serving. It includes a blend of 10 different protein sources, as well as complex carbs and essential fatty acids. The Mutant Mass comes in flavours like triple chocolate and strawberry banana. 

Pros of Mutant Mass

  • A blend of 10 different protein sources
  • Affordable.

Cons of Mutant Mass

  • some customers may find the taste too sweet.

Buying Guide. Things Skinny Guys should Check for When Selecting Mass gainers.

When it comes to choosing the right mass gainer for your individual needs and preferences, there are several factors to consider. 

Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:

  1. Protein content: A good mass gainer contains a high percentage of protein, ideally at least 50 grams per serving. Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough.
  2. Calorie count: Should contain at least 500 calories per serving, and ideally closer to 1000. This will provide your body with the extra energy it needs to build muscle mass.
  3. Carbohydrate source: Look for a mass gainer that contains complex carbohydrates, such as oat flour or sweet potato powder, rather than simple sugars. Complex carbs provide sustained energy and are less likely to cause a blood sugar spike.
  4. Additional supplements: Some mass gainers come with additional supplements like creatine or BCAAs. If you’re interested in these supplements, look for a mass gainer that includes them in the formula.
  5. Allergies or dietary restrictions: If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, check the ingredient list before purchasing a mass gainer. Some mass gainers contain common allergens like dairy or soy, while others may be gluten-free or vegan-friendly.
  6. Taste and mixability: Lastly, the taste and mixability of the mass gainer. Look for reviews or samples to try before committing to a large purchase. A good-tasting and easily mixable mass gainer will make it more enjoyable to consume and stick to your diet.

Final Say on Best Affordable Mass Gainers for Skinny Guys

For skinny guys, finding the best affordable mass Gainers is key to bulking up and building muscle mass quickly and effectively. 

This list of the top 7 mass gainers for skinny guys offers affordable and effective options that are sure to help you achieve your goals. Remember to consider your individual needs and preferences when choosing a mass gainer, and always combine it with a healthy diet and exercise routine for optimal results.

It’s important to keep in mind that mass gainers are supplements, and should not be relied upon as the sole source of nutrition. A balanced diet, including plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, is essential for building muscle mass and maintaining overall health.

We encourage you to try out the mass gainers on our list and share your experiences with us.

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